hey ppl...below is sum of the picha taken yest..went townin wit the girls...one missing in action(NORRA)haha..too bad she hav to werk on tat dae..niwae its a las min plan also... we had fun...altho it was a las min n a short2 trip we had fun..we luff al the way..wif how stupid nonsense joan n riha reacted...they r soooo retarded unlike me..im cool...=)) hahahahaha....aniwae i cant get to slep.all thanks to him fer wakin me up!! sae wanted to call me back n i waited.. n guess wat at arnd 6am den he called me...urrgghhhh nevamind aniwae its his bdae todae..happy bdae fren!wish u all the best of luck..=)) haha...hmm i wana slip but i cant!!!help... later on im headin to tanjong pagar to get my hair done by SEENA cousins...he gona highlite my hair red.. Hope it turns out guud..if not im gona break his leg..ahaha...=p.. haishh life is gettin veryyy silent n boredoms strikes!dammit... i jus cant wait fer zouk out... lets party all the way n lets get wasted..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
hello peoperl....hehe=)) oh gosh..soo long i din update anitin in this blog..so here i am again postin all the stupid nonsense stuff..haha... tadddaaa... jyeah.. hmm ferstly my head is spinnin yet i cant get to slep.. went to zouk jus now..wit my darlin joan n her bf n sum of azli campmate..i had alot2 of fun... n nt fergettin irfan our dearest fren..hehe... yaseer azli fren did sumtin to his teeth...its sumtin like a light blinging all over his teeth..haha its rare actuali...but he tinks its cool..but nevamid uh giv him chance uh ey..haha asalkan kau hapi sudah yaseer..haha oppss...=p... its a loas min plan actuali..to celebrate azli bdae..HAPPY BDAE CHICKEN LITTLE!!!haha... hmm babe i tink im in love..but donch worry i wun put high hopes in it uh...=))..arrrr im like missing my happy pills uh...im missing my aijoriida like very much..its been soooo damn farkin long we mit each other..xcept fer joan i jus went club wit her..haha... im missing norra n riha baby.. n not to 4get joan baby as well...wen is our next mit??cummon plan luh! btw im sick fer the past few daes..i got my wisdom tooth pluck out..its damn farkin painfull..feel like shit sei..seriously its the werst pain ever in my life..lemme tell u guys earlier...if u happen to hv a hole in ur teeth better go n see ur debtist earlier b4 its too late...seriously..cs u might jus get a distorted face like mine..haha...beware onlie my closests darlin noe how my face luk like..haha...k soo long sucker....till here...shall update more aite..take care pretty ppl....miss yah..muazccxx
Posted by aijoriida at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Posted by aijoriida at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
GOSH isnt he SOOOOOO damn CIPUI!!!!oh gawd!!!!
MASON is the name.....
gawd!!hes soo photogenic....adorable....=))
this is one HAWT GORGEOUS guy!!!
awww look at his face.....those lips...=))
i lurve watchin tis show jus because of THEM...cuteness....
Posted by aijoriida at 1:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
storyy luh ckit...
AHHHHHH ppl...im sooo in love with TI!!!!hes damn farking sexy.... is ther ani guys out ther whu look like him?? hahaha...i don tink so....GOSH!!!hes moove hes voice make me DROOPPP!!!errgghhhh.......omgd im sooo obsessed with him!!! DAMN!.....hehe... k2 stop it k ain...hehe..=))
ppl!!! i just cant wait fer ZOUKOUT!!!ZOUKING ppl!!!all the way!!! me and joan was damn farking ducking eager to go ZOUKOUT!! but we haaven got out ticks yet...have you guys bought ur ticks? i tot they say if you buy at zouk itsev is $38 but if u buy at the entrance of zouk out is $58..wow!! BERLOBANG sei kocek...isk...im waitin fer my bloody pay...damn sia!!! once i got my pay strait away i buy the ticks sei... hmmm wad suld i wear ey?? joan was tinkin bout wearing a LONG DRESS..n me too.. i wanna look BOHEMIAN on tat nite..but still tinkin...hmm...=p...last year ZOUKOUT was a blast man!!! it was soo damn FUN n enjoyable nite...i enjoyed mysev man... n same goes to JOAN also...dimaner ader ain disitu luh ader JOAN... dimana ader joan disitu luh ader AIN.. alamk sweet nyer kiter beb..haha...
Like i sae dimaner ader JOAN disitu luh ader AIN...but realli sei... we used to werk together school together eat together sleep together bath together go on a vacation also together..kan kan kan beb?? werkin at GIORDANO was our ferst job together..but before tat we used to werk pat my mums werkplace and there alot of funny experience..we werk ther fer one day yet we earn arnd $50 each..we serve customer.. such a simple job.."JANGAN KENE BAJU ABANG NNT BAJU ABANG KOTOR"hahaha(an old man say tis to us,hes old yet he call himsev ABANG!) kwang kwang kwnag...haha...dirty old man! n talking about GIORDAno..yeah we werk ther fer one month n we realli njoyed oursev also...together wit our DEAREST YUSOFF..=)) (miss him luh)yah alot alot of funny stuff hapen like realli alot sei.... haiss how i wish i culd turn back those daes ey...
Vacation..we went on a holiday trip to PERAK.. JOAN kampong is ther...so i went there with her to visit her relatives...its my ferst tym steppin in the kampong..n it was soo much fun..we get to see chicken running arnd, we get to see how CHARCOAL was made..wow COOL SHIAT man!! its damn burnin insyd...n we even ride a bike. 3 person on one bike..how fun is tat!!haha....JOAN cussin ride and i sat in the middle n Joan was behind me...n guess wat!kiter tak pkai helmet sei!! hehe....JACKASS btol luh kiter ey JOAN..haha i noe i noe....=))..den we play POOL and BOWLING...my ferst tyme play bowling sei...n im lurvin it..we scored alot ey JOAN???i din noe i was guud at it...haisshh... haha... n den cum to BOYFRIEND...joan is with azli at tat tyme...(lamer ey korang!!!) fuhh kip it up babey...!!n me is wit AKN.Hhaha..den kiter curik2 pakai telephone to call our boyfriend....haha..how cute is tat...haiss those daes ey beb...haha n we even bath together at ther..cs both scared scared ler..hehe...so funny...
AHHH I DON WISH TO GROW UP!!!N I DON WAN TO GROW UP!!!BEB IM GOIN 20 SOON!!!!i don wan!!!hurrr....... i wan to study again.....
Posted by aijoriida at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: kueh lapis
eh KAKI!!!
> A - Available?
* are u askin me??!!!oh HELL YEAHH!!!!!
> B - Best Friend(s)?
* yeah!!!whole loads of them!
> C - CRUSH?
* haha...ALOT!!!!! =)
* fishy fishy.....
* aijoriida=))
> F - Favorite Food?
* TOM YAM & sushi...
* worms like DUH....!!!
* YEW TEE.....
* japan???can i pleaseee.....
> J - JOB?
* jobless..menganggur pat rumah....
> K - KIDS?
* i wan!!!!!
* cant remember..wif the GEPICA gang....
* strawberry.......
* 4 including me
* i want many many money!!
> P - PHOBIA(S)?
* walking......
* hi.
* wen i see CUTE guys....haha miang!
* rihanna ft TI
* 12.30pm
* i digged my nose....
* LADY FINGER!!yuummmm i like......
* nutink....haha
* lower body...(u noe i noe)huhu
* huh....wads wrong wit my mum??? huh!!y y!!wad she do!!! nak kene nie kalau dier balek nnt!!!
* sotong.....
Posted by aijoriida at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: 3 for $10....
Survey paling bagos dlm planet mak kau
What is his name?
- Nurazli.
What pet name do you like to call them?
-Mouscy Mouscy.
How long have you been together?
How did you meet?
-In Scool. i was heading back to the class room n his going fer a smoke break. n tada!hehheh!
What do you like the most about him?
-his tutu long lip! hahaha! irik-tek-tin!!
What do you like the least about him?
-oh! nie budak bayak batu dlm kepala diar loh!
Have you met his parents yet?
-uda! heh heh!
What would you kids look like if you had kids?
-erm.my lip+my skin+his eye+his nose=our baby!
What is the worst argument you have had?
-wen he try to feed me wif his smelly chocolate!!
Do you still kiss a lot?
Who asked who out?
-u mean our first date? him of cuz tat mentel! hehe
Do you think you will get married?
-i hope so.. pray fer us ok?? oh god pweeesh... hehe
Can you see yourself growing old with him?
-yuep! ar tu!
What is the one thing you would like to change about him?
-his hair? hahahha! can change style tak kalo botak?
What do you think they would like to change about you?
-lesser irik-tek-tin? haha!
What is the first gift they ever bought you?
-Adidas limited ed watch. hehe!
Do you have a favorite song together?
-remind of each other u mean? erm all abt muse n peterpan? actually many more ar...
Which famous person do you think he look like the most?
-david beckham? hahahaha! laugh ur arse out yeah? tak samer ke? hahaha! kuang kuang kuang...
Would you say the two of you are a good match?
-nah.. nt gd... but heavenly match!
When's the last time you ran?
-oh... back in ite... late fer class?
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
-gt many holyshiat holes...
What are you thinking right now?
Do you celebrate national day?
-ar yes. im the one semangat line up fer the premium ticket.
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
-yar.. but still my dark eye ring like fark!! maybe too much slp?
If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do?
-door remain close n shout "tak, ni bukan intan kat sini! takder orang kat uma ehk!ni bukan intan tau!"
Who last grabbed your ass?
-ur mother last spank my ass.
Have you ever been on your school's track team?
-YES OF CUZ. im active back then.
Do you own a pair of Converse?
-more den a pair.
Did you copy and paste this survey?
-eh, macam tau jek! arrrrrrrrrrr!! stalker!!
Do you eat raw cookie dough?
-eeeeeeeeeee.. disgusting! eat! eat!
Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
-haha! everydae at my work place! the vending machine ader sikit punyer sial ar...
Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
-of cuz! cheee bai!
Do you watch harry potter?
-yes yes!! lingardiom laviosa! its laviosa nt laviosar!!
How do you eat oreos?
-lick n dip! alahai cute nyer... macam kat tv la kite!
Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
-nah... nt tat kemarok..
Are you cocky?
-im khooo khooo!!
Could you live without a computer?
-can of cuz.... i hate computer!
Do you wear your shoes in the house?
-no i wear my boot.
Who or what sleeps with you?
-my ball ball!
At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
-oh really? its fake?! harrr!! mummmyyy!!!! =( weeekkkk!!
How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?
-mendak ar nie question...
What do you do when you're sad?
-sing song. jiwang jiwang. alone alone. pasra pasra.
Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
-my mom! so tat she can beat me up n tear my lottery paper!!
Last time you saw your best friend?
Are you in high school?
-ya. just came back from africa. belief anot? there many high scool.
What jewelry are you wearing?
-my AnJoways ring my star necklace n...
Is anyone on your bad side now?
How do most people spell your name?
-joan or ju on?
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
-i wanna pinjam my bf boxer.
Where do you work?
-star at portsdown.
What are you doing tomorrow?
-meeting bf n picnic n stay over at his place.
Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
-eeeeeeeeee!no... justin next gf is me la.
name for ur girl?
-i wan 2 gerls.
-Tiara Beliz
-Kiara Belqiz
name for ur boy?
-i wan 2 boys. but fer now onlie 1 name in mind.
Will you keep your last name when you get married?
-my sur name, yes! Lim family...
Who is the youngest in your family?
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
-fer which? intan, joan , Xue er yes. but nt yet fer Beltrisya.
What's the last thing you purchased?
-hair cream?
Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
-yes! i'll make sure they do so. hah!! hah!!
What brand are your pants right now?
-wearing skirt now...
What is ur hp model?
-fer now s500i coming soon the pink f480! yeah yeah!
What song best describes your life right now?
-erm any bored songs?
Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
-no. but can can paris hilton is nice.
Do you like sushi?
Do you get your hair cut every month?
-no way!
Will you pass this survey on to 5 people?
-guess no. its farking lame!! just fer lame ppl! eh? did i jus complete this survey?
Posted by aijoriida at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: nenek kau punyer laki.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
five person....
Posted by aijoriida at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: gentel2 beh bau.....
kring kring beep beep tiit tiit.........
arggghhh handphone!!!!!arggghhhh whers my handphone!!!!! i feel soo silent n menyepi...u noe wat wat wat.......my handphone is been CONFISCATED by my own mum...haishhh...soo sadd.... i got no hp to call or get reach all my frens..xcept the closest wan they have my house num..so girls call my house aite..haha...the story goes like tis......
yest we were talkin on the fone.....conference btween (AIJO)
ain- hello
joan- haryooo
joan- ey beb wher have u been... ive been tryin my best to call u but i cannot reached u instead i onli listen to my own voice(NA NA NA NA NANANANANAN)
ain- ouhhh my hp kena confiscated uh...
joan- har y??? i tot ur mum was jus kiddin...
ain - no luh...u suld noe my mum....fark uh she...shes been poison by my damn bloody sister mouth!!!!
joan- ey beb u ok not?
ain- yah uh...fark uh......
joan-ey why sia ur sister like tat...shes jus makin up story luh...
ain-ntah uh...dunno uh.....
few minutes later....KRINGKRING...(ida n riha join)
joan- ey beb jap ey
ain- ..................................
ida- ah helloo...
riha- halluuuuuuuuuu
ain- ey hieeee......
riha- bebbbbbb ku scared scared!!!!!arrhhh aku takot uh takottt.......herrr scared scareed...
aijoida- ASAL?
riha- Dan!!!! dier msg aku 6msg n batt aku flat tak dpat reply...beh the las msg he sounds angry sia...how beb how..im scared.....
AIJOIDA- hahrr!!!!!!!
ain- aper dier ckp??
riha- ferst few msg i still can take it.. but the las few msg he sae" y can i get thru u!!! u not dat im goin tekong tmrw at 4am n i cant even text u or call u n y the hell i canot get thru u..!!!"
AIJOIdA- harrrrrrrrr!!!!aiyooo beb!!!!
joan- ey kau mmg bodoh uh!!!!!
riha- herrr aku scared scared......
ain- eeee ah2 sak bodoh sei kau!!!!!!!eeeee.......kk takder gini... nnt dlm pukul 1 atau 2am kau bangon call dier....cnfirm by the tyme dier ngah pack2 nak pegi...
(ALL AGREE WIT AIN.........)
joan- nth btl kau bngn siang call dier...
ain- or atau kau every SECOND uh call dier....
ida- mepek uh kau ain....
riha- ey dah uh aku nak mandi...
joan- ah pi uh mandi biar nnt Dan call.....hahahahaha
(LAUGHTER AGAIN....hahahahahaHAHAHA.....)
riha- bstard sia.....
ain- k beb kau bawak je tu fone masok toilet skali....
riha- ahh k....
ain- beh nnt biler Dan col, kau nak angkat beh terjatoh masok dlm jamban.....
riha- ey dah uh malas uh aku nak ckp.....nak mandi uh...
AIJOIDA- haha yerluh BUAIII2222!!!!!.....
ey is norra insyd our conversation..but she like never exist..... shes jus lyk the xtra2....next tyme we wan to talk don call norra uh...hhahahahahaha!!!!!(beb jokin hark).... simply i jusstt lurvin u girlss.......MUACKSS......
till here chickiess...shall update again aite.....=))
Posted by aijoriida at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: mak goreng telor duer....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Uh God! how much we miss scool daes! Ain n Joan was in Regent Secondary School.
After 2 years, riha joined them(aku pon nak seBOK AR!)
Ida's in Changkat Changi Prison, Together wif her brother Azli N her Love one Habil.(aku pon nak JOIN!) Tats where they met.habilNorra. the HN24. =)
StLL remember those daes wen we use to skip classes or even school. Eat in the toilet dengan selera celebrity(Macam rancangan suria je). Throw wet tissue on the ppl tengah kusok berak, we girls will challenge each other whoever can aim directly at the face is the man of the dae. Throw those open pads in boys toilet!hehehehe! the boys will go like, (eh? ape ni?) warhahaha! kek kek siol! oh we love to play pretend sick-saper paling sakit! step pandai olways. disturb our irik sec2 form teacher. made our teacher throw table. scream till our throat nak pecah! example macam we c ghost, padehal nothing happen. harrharr.. those demerit points tat we had, detention classes tat we attend or best we even gt ourselves suspented 2weeks b4 exam!! weeee!!
oh tat period of time, ida stil a who who?? to aijori bebs(ain joan riha)...
After graduate from regent. aijo(ain n joan) den went in ite bishan to be a lecturer. riha kayo pelan pelan ar beb! (siala kawan kawan korang tungu aku ar!) well... like we said she's YP ar... dun entertain... LALALALA...
oh where were we?? yar! back to ite bishan... where AnJoways met(Azli and Joan) =)
Azli baby sister ida.. n there!! she's being discovered! hohoho!
well.. she's the most mepek peh pompuan we girls ever met! but w/o her aijoriida wil nv be found!! (Its incomplete without me k ppl... well... hehe! bastard la u ooolll... heheh... okok sorri sister sorri) ida talking to herself...
kk.. dun entertain eh... lalalala.. wooohoohooo...
ok la stop here... more storys to update again...
enough fer todae la...
Aijoriida bebs <333
Posted by aijoriida at 1:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
packed timetable!!
Posted by aijoriida at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Here is sum of my pics.... whum tryin verrryyyy hard to BE SOMEBODY!!!!hehe.. i wana PARTY like a roxstar,FARK like a porstar,LOOK like a muviestar &&&&& PLAY like an allstar!!!!
Posted by aijoriida at 4:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: NAK air
Friday, November 7, 2008
is ALL About GUYS!!!!!!!
SAYANG people........how are you guys out ther doin??!!! GUUD???? cs i guess im not too gudd bah...haiss thers alot of questions playin in my mind ryt now...jus wonderin y arent ther ani faithful boifren out ther... ive seen alot of guys(if i sae alot means DAMN alot!!)being succha FARKING LiaR!!!.. Hey guys if ur attached pls act as ONE....don fool arnd wif other girls..ur jus hurtin ur loves one.. WAD is jus wrong wif u guys...ONE is not enuf!!!?? well if u guys jus tinkin bout foolin arnd,then dUMP ur GIRLFRIENDS!!! y stay wif them n hurt them! U GUYS are sucha BIG M*****faKER!!! i hate u guys...n u guys onli care bout ursev... lemme tell u my experince wif guys tat ive dated before...
NO.1: mr R**** - oh gawd!!! u r jus one farkin guy.. tell me ur not att..kip askin u whether ur att not n u sae u didnt.n i believe u.. mit u up..hang arnd wif u.. n for all the while ur farkin ATTACHED!!!oh god.. n i got to noe it by mysev TODAE!!altho its a very old story but its not too OLD fer me to CRACK u up!!!. its jus a few mths back few daes after u servin the NATION!HARK!!!how ur feeling guilty now??? u wan me to tell ur gf??? i wuld be PLEASEEE to du tat! gawd! im LUCKy im not ur GELFREN... pity u girl...hes a BIG BIG BIG damn JERK!
NO.2: mr ******* - haha!!! GAWD!!! altho i don noe u tat well...but im sure we knew each other rite??=)) tis guy is BETTER...at least he tell me hes attached w/o askin him...*cheers* but but but wait!!! hes is so MENTELMIANGGATAL.... haiyoh....y?.. ur gf is not enuf ey?? or suld i sae ur sick & tired wif ur gf n wan to try smtin new wif smone's diff!!!GUYS ur WRONG!!!totally a big BIG mistake...hmm n u tink im ur play DOLL dat u can play wif!hark!!!WRONG STEP WRONG MOOVEE..!!! don even tink of it... n u noe wat!!he even wana go ZOUKOUT wif me tellin me the gf is not going....so he can hav fun wif me!!!FARK U!!!! BLODDY FOOL!
NO.3: mr **N - ISKISKISK..... pity ur girlfriend uh.....she even BOOST u arnd the NET!!haha... the moment i read watever she sae bout u just TICKLE me man....isk isk..how culd u.. shes being serious wit u n u did tis to her...i noe wat were u guys tinkin.. u wana stick to one but u don wana hav fun wit her instead u wan to use other ppl n then kip ur gf..am i rite?? wad if ur gf did the same ting to you LOSERRR??? cummon guys tink bout the opposite also don jus tink bout ursev...
n n n n n n n thers is still alot more fer me to mention.. im used to tis kind of JERKASS!!! smtimes they jus irritates me... GUYS kip tis in mind... don jus because i ntertain u meaning im interested in u also ey!im jus usin YOU!!! =))
GUYS todae everyday every second are sooooo KIASU!!!sooo impatient n sososososo luh..too many tings to mention!Jus take fer an example.... insyd the MRT train...The moment u step inside the train..wadd du u see PPL??? 9/10 MAJORITY the seats is occupied by MEN/GUY n whuever hav tat DICK!oh gosh!!!THEY are so UNGENTLEMAN!!!!!!wTF... n when the doors oPEN!!!the moment u wan to enter...AND AND AND whu is soooo anxious bout goin IN n PUSH we girls arnd???its NONE other than THE MEN/GUYS... n wen u wan to ALIGHT the train whu is the ONE WHU so KECOH to ALIGHT???!!!!!guysguysguys...haiyah.........so KELIAN see you guys....pls be more cooperation can???....
till here den...shall update more yeah!!!!!lorrvee u sayang ppl!!!mwackss....
Posted by aijoriida at 4:08 AM 0 comments