yeay!!! i cant wait fer todae... havin a veryy small famili BBQ.. joan,riha,norra,seena,ipan&fren,and also azli will be here..we party2 chicky2...YUMMEH!!! HOPIN n PRAYING that ipan wuld be after eat chicky chicky we will go ridin and myb see the firewerks!!!yeay!!!! IPAN try to plead ur dad fer the car lurh....soo gud sey ipan already has his driving license..ohhh his future is soo bright..haha wonder who is his GIRLFREN ey??hahaha...pick me ME me ME!!!hahha(jokin)..eurgghhh.... soo bored at home...i wanna werk..ani job fer me ppl?? hehe...and yah was gossipin wit riha jus now on the fone..and decided to giv this one girl name Miss.KIA...hahaha..u noe i noe ey riha...hehe..=))...k tats all fer todae...
HAPPY 2009 PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Posted by aijoriida at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: yummeh yummeh...............
Saturday, December 27, 2008
game over.

Thousand apologies to sally molly fer the delay. Sally bebeb sorry ya! i've drawn it long time ago uh, but no time to post it. ader proof okay! see the date! and sorry if it doesn look like you cus lack of info. The others tt i drew, i met em like almost everidae. so senang la cket. And to all the other readers, jus sharing some precious artpiece of mine. i made it fer danlove! To couples and lovers, this is easy and cheap and most importantly, its sincere! cam paham la uh ku nie.
Posted by aijoriida at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
boriinngggg uh!!
Can you legally drink?
Posted by aijoriida at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: korek korek
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
buat aper nari?
taaadaaaaa again im with her..onlie her i can depend on now.. ey beb ey?? hehe sweet tak kiter?i noe i noe...=)) went fer my interview which semangat sekejap je den paitao the job..haha..paiseh lah wana go fer the i im like the oni young girl ther,the rest of them look very matured and very potential.. so i jus skip the job..haha all the way to PAYA LEBAR...haishh.. then went to KFC to have out lunch ther.. and the makcik whu serve us is verryy 10years never her tings damn slow until i talk to her im following her pace...haha.. den riha spot sumting about her.. wen we ppl sneezee we sound like "AAAACCCHHHOOOOO!!!" But tis makcik is different..hers is "....................................................achoo o o ooo oo oo ooo." which it takes 5mins to travel the sound and the funny!! den off to marina.. walk2..talk2... den go home.... thats fer today... GUDNITE PPLE!!! i wana luk fer a job!eurgghhh..
Posted by aijoriida at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
soo much attitude!!

Yest ZOUK OUT08 Was soooo much fun... no werds can described how we enjoyed oursev.. picture tells all..NJOY...haha..=))
Posted by aijoriida at 4:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
a day with her kip the doctor away....
Posted by aijoriida at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: bulu ketiak..
Friday, December 5, 2008
oh wow beb i lurve those drawing...soo cute n soo US!!! haha..but wait.. y is my body SENGET??hhaaha..but COOL STUFF LAH!! n wait y urs like the NICEST ey!!!! not fair!! i disagree!!! haha...!! n sooooo NOT u lorh!!HAHAH..jokin.. but nice lah beb..soo cute so CARTOON.... wee~ draw more fallin in lurve wit those SPECIAL finger of urs(shorty2) haha.... aniwae jus came back frm LEPAKING wit my girlies(JOAN,AZLI & SEEENA) outsyd CIK ENON WARONG...had fun talkin shit with them... JOAN tellin us bout RIHA when they were small...n their experiences cute.. soo STUPID!haha... n then imagine JOAN &AZLI future...haha KEKEK! but public donch noe..=)) haish tats all folk... shall update again next tyme...
Posted by aijoriida at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: sakit peyot
Aijoriida cartoon!
Saw it? Like it? Buisy buisy kan? hahahaa! Guess drawing has really become addictive to me. Its only the ferst wk of hols and look at how i spent it. I was actually bored and so i drew! Up there are the aijoriida! Thats intan, ain, me and lastly ida! Random mood, random drawing but i love it! I hope my darling bebs like it too.
Posted by aijoriida at 6:57 AM 0 comments