Halloween was so gewek! Majority dress up. Zouk was damn farking pack! Que freaking long! all the way down in the carpark basement.. fuuyoh! kemarok peh! tapi cool cool...
Zouk out this year? yuep am going. =)
Last year was happening dok! kaki gewek! Got very tipsy n super duper hyper-dalic! heh heh!
This year maybe hyper but NONO fer tipsy mipsy bebeh! oh... ho... im a healthy clubber ma... i don drink anymore or at ol Now ok. After the convert this year, this August. YES! JUST converted. aiyaaarrr... its just a evidence of black n white la. but nah... im olways a muslim k? k?
ada paham beb?
oh.. started to miss siblings alot..
elder bro in switzeland.
2nd sis busy wif the business..
3rd bro thailand.. or gone missing? haix!tu satu hanyut!
malay sis getting married soon... ggaaarrrhhh!!
y ! y ! y !! geerrh! left me alone...
oh man i miss them alot n its ganna turn worst! i noe i noe!!!
how i wish i had a youngest sister to bully.
Arrrggg! this skin is killing me.
i cant stand the irritation! irik-tek-tin!
i'll keep scratching till its either turn super red or bleed!! deeen.... i'm satisfied...
but sca-rwy kan!
im sensitive wif mosqitoes,hot sun n the smelly chocolate stinks sermell!
thnx to them fer causing me to have this irik-tek-tin feeling. =) thanker-yew eh...
oh yar oh yar... aniwae im cutting down on cigerate...
turning to be JUST a social smoker... teeee...
yeah! so *cheers* on the success!
This coming fridae DJ gewek kat zouk! so gonna partay partay!
muse- starlight,unintended...peterpan...remind me of bibi! hahaha! ok! miss him really badly... cepat la book out!
all time fav... tiesto-element of life n as the rush comes =) neva gt sick of it..
oh yah! norra beb, i also missssss my MR FIREMAN =p
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